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The 6th KSM Mini Marathon in 2021

2021-12-03 651

    Autumn equinox has passed, thick Wutong leaves have fallen down on both sides of the company's road, in the early morning, a ray of sunshine coming, and the thin leaves of the phoenix trees are lightly covered with a layer of fine frost. It's time for the annual KSM Cup Mini Marathon. 

    The 6th KSM Mini Marathon was held on 19th of Nov. in 2021, according to the different departments, the company is divided into 5 teams to participate in the Mini Marathon to compete for the team award, individual (men's and women's) award and the progress award.


    With the opening of "Hongdou villa", a new tourist attraction, a different scenery has been added to this year's marathon route, which is also carried out around this famous Hongdou villa. With the public road security and logistics supply support, all department staff actively participate in striving for good results.


    The 10 kilometer race is not how fast a certain period of running, but persistence. After intense competition, the General Manager Dept. won the first place in the team competition, the Fixture Business Dept. and the Machining Dept. took the second and third place respectively.


    With the joy of our staff, the sixth Mini marathon ended successfully. After the competition, we enjoyed exquisite cakes and sumptuous meals.


    Through this mini-marathon, we have a better understanding of the corporate culture and enhanced the cohesion of the team. At the same time, we also realize that only with a healthy and strong physique can we better take new challenges.

